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Each letter is personalized for your child on beautifully crafted Christmas stationery and delivered in a matching envelope postmarked from the North Pole.
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I see that you are on my nice list again this year. That's wonderful! Good for you! Of all the children in the world, you are one of my favorites. Keep up the good work. Rudolph and all the reindeer are looking forward to seeing you on Christmas Eve, especially Rudolph.
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Dear [[Name]],

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas!

I see that you are on my NICE list again this year. That's wonderful! Good for you! Of all the children in the world, you are one of my favorites. Keep up the good work.

Rudolph and all the reindeer are looking forward to seeing you on Christmas Eve, especially Rudolph. He is always asking, "When do you think we will be at [[Name's]] house?" I don't know why Rudolph is always asking me that. Hmmm....are you leaving him goodies that I don't know about?

Since you have been so good this year, I have a surprise for you. I hope you enjoy it and all the gifts that I will leave at your house.

[[Name]], since you are one of my first stops this year, please make sure you go to bed on time. Remember, I will know if you are awake.

My trip around the world is so long and I have so many gifts to bring down all the chimneys, could you please leave some milk and cookies for me to help me keep up my strength? I'm asking all the children on my NICE list to do this for me.

The weather is getting very cold up here at the North Pole. Last night we had over two feet of snow. It was so cold that Frosty the Snowman slept in the reindeer barn.

I see that you have been thinking about your Christmas List, and that you are looking for [[Toy]].

I will see what I can do. Say hello to Mom and Dad for me.

I have so many letters to write, I'll say goodbye for now.

Your friend,
Santa Claus

P.S. Rudolph says hello!!


I've been checking my list and had Mrs. Claus check it twice and we found that you have been especially nice. That is wonderful news up here at the North Pole. Mrs. Claus is so proud of you, she says keep up the great work.
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Dear [[Name]],

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas!

I've been checking my list and had Mrs Claus check it twice and we found that you have been especially nice. That is wonderful news up here at the North Pole.

Mrs. Claus is so proud of you, she says keep up the great work. I see that you have [[accomplishment]] this year. That is also wonderful news up here at the North Pole.

[[Name]], since you are one of my first stops in [[State]] this year, please make sure you go to bed on time. Remember, I will know if you are awake.

Mrs. Claus and I agreed that you deserve to receive something extra special this year, I have been told that you were hoping to find a new [[present]] this year under the tree. Of course I will do my very best for you.

I must go now, the Reindeer are getting very hungry, and boy do they get cranky when I'm late with their dinner. I will tell the Reindeer that you said hello, especially Prancer, he was just asking about you last night.

Good bye for now,

See you on Christmas Eve

Your friend,
Santa Claus


Do you know that the whole town up here at the North Pole has been talking about you? Everyone is so proud of you, especially Rudolph that you have helped out this year. I think the editor of the North Pole news is doing an article about you. WOW!!
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Dear [[Name]],

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas!

Do you know that the whole town up here at the North Pole has been talking about you? Everyone is so proud of you, especially Rudolph that you have [[accomplishment]] this year. I think the editor of the North Pole news is doing an article about you. WOW!!

I think you deserve something extra special this year, I have been told that you were hoping to find a new [[present]] under the Christmas tree this year. Of course I will do my very best.

Rudolph and all the reindeer are looking forward to seeing you on Christmas Eve, especially Rudolph. He is always asking, "When do you think we will be at [[name's]] house?" I don't know why Rudolph is always asking me that. Hmmm....are you leaving him goodies that I don't know about?

I also see that you are doing your homework, keeping your room clean and helping around the house when you can. I always like it when children are good little helpers. Parents always could use the help.

Say hello to [[friend's name]] for me, You're very lucky to have [[friend's name]] as a friend. You are both on my nice list this year.

Well, Mrs. Claus is ringing her dinner bell, I have to get going now, she gets upset if my dinner gets cold. Keep on being a good [[gender]] this year.

I will see you very soon.

Your friend,
Santa Claus

PS...All the Reindeer say hello


I just received a report from Toy Shop that they are working on your toys for Christmas, I have been told that you have been hoping to find a special present under the Christmas Tree this year. I will do my best for you.
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Dear [[Name]],

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas!

I just received a report from Toy Shop that they are working on your toys for Christmas, I have been told that you have been hoping to find a [[present]] under the Christmas Tree this year. I will do my best for you.

I gave the Toy Shop the go ahead to start on your toys last week when I receive a special report from Edwin the head Elf that you have been extremely good. I see that you are on the top of my nice list.

I know being [[age]] years old is a lot of work to stay on my nice list, but you have been such a good [[gender]] this year, please keep up the great work.

By the way I received a report that [[friend's name]] has been very good also, please say hello for me.

[[Name]], since you are one of my first stops in [[State]] this year, please make sure you go to bed on time. Remember, I will know if you are awake, and I will have to come back later in the night.

I must go now, the Reindeer are getting very hungry, and boy do they get cranky when I’m late with their dinner. I will tell the Reindeer that you said hello, especially Rudolph, he was just asking about you last night.

See you on Christmas Eve,

Your friend,
Santa Claus


It's 10:00 at nighttime and I'm sitting here in my big chair next to the fireplace writing you a letter, Mrs Claus is in the kitchen baking cookies, and all the reindeer are in the barn for the night. I like writing letters at night time, it is nice and quiet from all the hustle and bustle during the day time hours.
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Dear [[Name]],

It's 10:00 at nighttime and I'm sitting here in my big chair next to the fireplace writing you a letter, Mrs Claus is in the kitchen baking cookies, and all the reindeer are in the barn for the night. I like writing letters at night time, it is nice and quiet from all the hustle and bustle during the day time hours. [[Name]], I am writing a special letter to you tonight because you have been such a good [[gender]] this year.

[[Name]] there has been big news coming from [[city name]] this year. I have heard that you have [[accomplishment]] this year and have done a wonderful job. That is terrific, keep up the great work.

I think you deserve something extra special this year; I have been told that you are hoping to have a [[present]] under the tree this year, Of course I will do my very best to get that for you.

Say hello to your friend [[Friend's Name]] for me. I see that both of you are on the very top of my nice list this year. Also please say hello to your Mom and Dad; I haven't spoken to them in quite a while. You have such wonderful parents and I hope you are doing your very best to help them around the house.

Well [[Name]]; I have to get going now. I have many letters to write tonight.

See you on Christmas Eve, I should be at your house at 11:40 pm. Please make sure you are sleeping or I will not be able to land on your roof until much later.

Your friend,
Santa Claus


I was just informed by Elvin the head Elf that the sleigh is almost packed and all of your toys are on the sleigh. The toy shop has been working 24 hours a day. It seems like we are making more toys than ever this year. I guess that means there have been a lot more good children this year than in the past.
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Dear [[Name]],

I was just informed by Elvin the head Elf that the sleigh is almost packed and all of your toys are on the sleigh. The toy shop has been working 24 hours a day. It seems like we are making more toys than ever this year. I guess that means there have been a lot more good children this year than in the past.

[[Name]], I also checked my list again last night and saw your name on the very top of the nice list. That is wonderful news. I hope you can work extra hard to stay on the top of that list.

I have been told that you are also doing good in school and that [[subject]] is you best subject. I can remember when I was small that [[subject]] was also my favorite subject. Please say hello to [[teacher's name]] for me.

I have an important question for you [[Name]], last night I was outside feeding the reindeer and Rudolph kept asking me this question. Santa what time do you think we will be at [[Name's]] House? [[Name]], Did you leave reindeer food outside last year? That must be it. That's ok though. Lots of people do that for them. Rudolph loves apples and carrots.

Well I have to go now, Mrs Claus is calling me for dinner.

See you on Christmas Eve.

Your friend,
Santa Claus


I checked my naughty or nice list last night and I have to say Congratulations for making the number 1 spot this year on my nice list. That is outstanding. I'm sure it wasn't that easy to do, but you beat out all the other wonderful boys and girls this year. I hope you can stay on top.
Read Letter Select Letter

Dear [[Name]],

I checked my naughty or nice list last night and I have to say Congratulations for making the number 1 [[gender]] this year on my nice list. That is outstanding. I'm sure it wasn't that easy to do, but you beat out all the other wonderful boys and girls this year. I hope you can stay on top.

I think you deserve something extra special this year under the Christmas tree, I know that you are hoping to get a [[present]] under the tree this year, and of course I will do my very best.

I was told that you play [[sport]]. That is a wonderful sport to play. I know it is very difficult to go to all the practices and to keep up with all your homework. But all I can ask is for you to do your very best.

We have a newspaper up here at the North Pole, it is called the North Pole Times. I see that your name was in the sports section for doing such a wonderful job playing [[sport]].

The Elves are busy packing the sleigh and I was told that we should be in [[city]] around 11:30 on Christmas Eve, so make sure you are sound asleep so I can drop off your special toys.

Say hello to your friends [[friend's name]] and [[friend's name]]. Let your two friends know that they are also on my nice list this year.

Well I have to go now; Mrs. Claus is calling me for dinner.

See you on Christmas Eve.

Your friend,
Santa Claus
